What Happens If You Lose a Baby Tooth Too Early?

What Happens If You Lose a Baby Tooth Too Early?

If your child’s baby tooth or primary tooth falls out too early due to an accident, injury, or decay, you may be concerned about what will happen to their smile. Fortunately, pediatric dentists can address this issue and protect your child’s oral health.

Children generally begin losing their baby teeth at about six years old. The process continues for the next five to six years, shedding teeth as the permanent teeth erupt underneath.

When a baby tooth falls out too soon, it can have repercussions for your child’s oral health if it goes untreated. This blog will explain how pediatric dentists treat children who have prematurely shed their baby teeth.

Causes of Premature Tooth Loss in Children

  • Periodontal disease: Even children can suffer from periodontitis, a severe infection that weakens the gums and jawbone enough for teeth to fall out.
  • Dental trauma: A sports accident, fall, or playtime mishap can lead to a lost tooth.
  • Tooth decay: Sometimes, a child’s tooth will sustain enough decay to fall out or need extraction.
  • Medical conditions: Genetic disorders that weaken bones and some types of cancer can cause tooth loss in children.

What Happens When a Baby Tooth Falls Out Too Soon

Losing a baby tooth too early can lead to two oral health issues:

  • Remaining teeth become misaligned due to shifting into the open space
  • Possible damage to the permanent tooth underneath the gum line

How Pediatric Dentists Treat Children With Prematurely Lost Baby Teeth

The primary treatment for a lost baby tooth is an appliance called a space maintainer. Dentists custom-make space maintainers from metal or acrylic materials.

A metal space maintainer has a band that fits over the adjacent tooth and a small spring that gently keeps the teeth from drifting inward. When the permanent tooth comes in, the dentist will remove the spacer.

Acrylic spacers fit in the space between teeth and naturally fall out when the permanent tooth emerges.

Preventing Early Primary Tooth Loss

Prevent Gum Disease

Ensure your child visits the dentist at least twice yearly for a cleaning and comprehensive exam. Brush and floss their teeth as your pediatric dentist instructs.

Prevent Tooth Decay

Regular home and professional oral care will help prevent decay. Be careful with sugary, starchy, and acidic foods in your child’s diet. If you have an infant or toddler, never put them to bed with a bottle of milk or juice.

Wear a Dental Mouthguard

If your child plays a contact sport or takes part in an active lifestyle, consider asking their dentist about a custom-fitted dental mouthguard to protect their teeth from trauma.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pediatric Dentistry

How long should a spacer stay in the mouth?

A space maintainer should stay until the adult tooth erupts. The appliance will keep the space open until the permanent tooth fills it.

Which baby teeth typically fall out first?

The central incisors often fall out around age six. The primary molars are the last to shed.

Call 376 Dental Studio

If your child loses a primary tooth too soon, call their dentist as soon as possible for an evaluation. Please get in touch with our Waltham, MA, office at 781-373-3068 to schedule an appointment today.